Supporter for a survivor

by Ginger

I have nursed my friend who has decided to stay in her abusive marriage for 20 years so far. Her teenage daughter recently had an abusive boyfriend. My friend fails to see how her home life has impacted her kids. The most she can say is her husband is difficult.

He tracks her every move, monitors her phone and text messages, limits access to money, slams her into walls, and recently broke her hand when he threw her to the floor. Being on the sidelines of all this when she continues to deny the reality of her situation makes it impossible to continue a friendship.

My point is for those of us wanting to help, please keep your own life good. Pray for your loved one and leave it to a higher power. The abuse has more victims than just the abusers target.

Bless you.

Comments for Supporter for a survivor

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Don't give up
by: Julie Rice

Your words are so very true. When there is abuse in the home it affects the entire family, as I've unfortunately witnessed first hand. Please do not stop being a friend to the person who is still involved with their abuser. You may be the one person to save her life.

just a reminder
by: rainonme

god puts angels in our lives to help us through " difficult" situations-times in our lives. you are one of them. god bless you, for you are the light-helper angel. good karma on you........

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