My Husband - My Biggest Enemy Part 1

by Shiksha
(South africa)

I'm a 34-year-old Indian girl from South Africa. I thought if I loved my husband enough he would change his abusive ways. It all started when we began dating in 2012. He was introduced to me by a family member. At first, he was such an Angel. And then a few months down the line, he started verbally and emotionally and mentally abusing me.

He would take me out and park the car in the mall parking or wherever we were going, and he called me names. He would say "oh u so ugly I can't stand looking at u." And, that went on for a while. Then, he started saying "u should be so grateful I'm dating a girl like u," or "u should thank god I took pity on you and I'm actually dating u." He would torment me over and over until I'd start crying in the restaurants or movies, and I'd beg him to take me home. Then he resorted to hitting me on my head with his fisted knuckles he would yell at me if I so much as looked at him. Eventually, he had me believing I was the ugliest of women.

In our five years together he complimented me three times. He said women who wait for compliments from their man are weak and pathetic, and he's not here to boost my ego or self-confidence by complimenting me. So I asked him one day if you can't praise me, how can you insult me so quickly. His answer was "I'm trying to toughen u up because of you're too weak.

I was a fool to think he would change. I thought if you love someone enough love can make them the better. Oh, boy was I wrong!

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